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Office: 3407 (Facultad de CC. Económicas y Empresariales)

Curriculum Vitae Personal site

Pablo Amorós González

PhD in Economics, Universidad de Alicante
Full Professor

Research interests:

  • Mechanism Design
  • Social Choice
  • Political Economy

Selected publications:

  • Choosing the winner of a competition using natural mechanisms: Conditions based on the jury, Mathematical Social Sciences, 2019, Vol. 98, 26-38
  • Closed primaries versus top-two primaries (with M.S. Puy and R. Martínez), Public Choice, 2016, Vol. 167 (1), 21-35
  • Picking the winners, International Journal of Game Theory, 2013, Vol. 42, 845- 865
  • Issue convergence or issue divergence in the political campaign? (with M.S. Puy), Public Choice, 2013, Vol.155 (3), 355-371
  • Eliciting optimal rankings from unfair jurors, Journal of Economic Theory, 2009, Vol. 144 (3), 1211-1226


  • Game Theory. Undergraduate
  • Advanced Microeconomics (in English). Undergraduate

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