Tel: (+34) 952131296e-mail: ingridmauerer
Office: 3408-C (Facultad de CC. Económicas y Empresariales)
Personal site
Ingrid Mauerer
Phd in Political Science and Statistics, LMU Munich
EMERGIA Researcher
Research interests:
- Political behavior and preference formation
- Quantitative social science methodology
- Categorical data and discrete choice modeling
Selected publications:
- Heterogeneity in General Multinomial Choice Models (conjunto con G. Tutz), Statistical Methods & Applications, 2023, 23: 129–148
- The Neglected Role and Variability of Party Intercepts in the Spatial Valence Approach, Political Analysis, 2020, 28(3): 303–317
- Integrating Large-Scale Online Surveys and Aggregate Data at the Constituency Level: The Estimation of Voter Transitions in the 2015 British General Elections (conjunto con P.W. Thurner, M. Bort, A. Klima & H. Küchenhoff, 2020, Survey Research Methods, 14(5): 461–476
- Modeling Electoral Choices in Multiparty Systems with High-Dimensional Data: A Regularized Selection of Parameters Using the Lasso Approach (conjunto con W. Pößnecker, P.W. Thurner & G. Tutz), Journal of Choice Modelling, 2015, 16: 23-42
- Political Analysis and Public Policy Evaluation (in English). Graduate
- Welfare Economics (in English). Undergraduate