Tel: (+34) 952131252e-mail: mps
Office: 3412 (Facultad de CC. Económicas y Empresariales)
Curriculum Vitae Personal site
Socorro Puy Segura
PhD in Economics, Universidad de Alicante
Full Professor
Research interests:
- Political Economy
- Public Economics
- Public Choice
Selected publications:
- Constitutions, Federalism and National Integration (joint with Stephen Ansolabehere), European Economic Review, 2022, in press
- Separatism and identity: A comparative analysis of the Basque and Catalan cases (joint with Stephen Ansolabehere), European Political Science Review, 2022, in press
- A theory on party discipline and vote switching by legislators (joint with Paula González and Francesca Passarelli), European Journal of Political Economy, 2021, vol. 66, 1019602
- Incentives for Progressive Income Taxation, Journal of Theoretical Politics, 2019, vol. 31, pages 66-102
- Welfare Economics (in English). Undergraduate
- Introduction to Economics. Undergraduate