Tel: (+34) 952131229e-mail: mmagalhaes
Office: 3306-A (Facultad de CC. Económicas y Empresariales)
Personal site
Manuela F. Magalhaes
PhD in Economics, Warwick University
Associate Professor
Research interests:
- Macroeconomics
- International Economics
- Economic Growth and Income Inequality
Selected publications
- Land-capital and emissions convergence in an extended Green Solow Model (joint with Maria Dolores Guilló), Environment and Development Economics, 2022, 08, Online
- Industry concentration and wage inequality: a directed technical change approach (joint with Oscar Afonso), Open Economies Review, 2019 (30): 457-481
- A multi-sector growth model with technology diffusion and networks (joint with Oscar Afonso), Research Policy, 2017, Vol. 46 (7): 1340-1359
- Macroeconomics (in English). Graduate
- Introduction to Economics. Undergraduate