Tel: (+34) 952131254e-mail: jmoh
Office: 3413 (Facultad de CC. Económicas y Empresariales)
Curriculum Vitae
José Manuel Ordóñez de Haro
PhD in Economics, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Associate Professor
Research interests:
- Competition Policy
- Industrial Organization
- Microeconomics
Selected publications:
- The European Commission’s Fight against Cartels (1962-2014): A Retroactive and Forensic Analysis (with J. R. Borrell and J. L. Jiménez), 2018, Journal of Common Market Studies, vol. 56 (5), 1087-1107
- Fuel prices at petrol stations in touristic cities (with J. Perdiguero y J. L. Jiménez), Tourism Economics, 2020, vol. 26 (I), 45-69
- Entry under uncertainty: Limit and most-favored-customer pricing (with L. M. Granero), Mathematical Social Sciences, 2015, vol. 76, 1-11
- Price hysteresis after antitrust enforcement: Evidence from Spanish food markets (with J. L. Torres), 2014, Journal of Competition Law and Economics, vol. 10 (1), 217-256
- Microeconomics. Undergraduate
- Industrial Economics. Undergraduate
- Introduction to Economics. Graduate