17 September 2021
16:00 h
Seminar Mahelet Fikru (Missouri University of Science and Technology) – Webinar
Title – Voluntary Green Electricity Purchases versus Solar Installations in Community Choice Aggregation
Room – Webinar
18 June 2021
12:00 h
Seminar Marisa Hidalgo Hidalgo (Universidad Pablo de Olavide) – Webinar
Title – Educate Some to Represent Many? Female Education and Political Representation
Room – Webinar
27 April 2021
18:30 h
Event Los Nobel 2020 contados por la UMA
Title – Subastas: el triunfo de la Teoría de Juegos.
Room – Rectorado (Avda. Cervantes, 2) / Online
16 April 2021
09:00 h
Workshop THE Workshop on Economic Theory – Webinar
Title – THE Workshop on Economic Theory
Room – Webinar

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