5 November 2021
12:30 h
Seminar David Medina (Università di Padova) – Webinar
Title – Life pension and parliamentarian effort
Room – Webinar
Ingrid Mauerer — Área de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico — Área de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico
20 October 2021
13:08 h
Workshop V Spain-Japan Meeting on Economic Theory
Title – V Spain-Japan Meeting on Economic Theory
Room – Webinar
Luis Gautier — Área de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico
11 June 2021
16:00 h
Seminar Sajal Lahiri (Southern Illinois University) – Webinar
Title – Environmental, Industrial and Trade Policies in the Presence of Foreign Competition
Room – Webinar
21 May 2021
16:00 h
Seminar Isabel Melguizo (CIDE, México) – Webinar
Title – Group Representation Concerns and Network Formation
Room – Webinar
14 May 2021
12:00 h
Seminar Mauro Papi (University of Aberdeen) – Webinar
Title – What is Important is Seldom Urgent and What is Urgent is Seldom Important: On the Strategic Implications of the Urgency Effect
Room – Webinar
7 May 2021
12:00 h
Seminar Liang Bai (University of Edinburgh) – Webinar
Title – The Production Effects of New Banking Infrastructure: Evidence from Rural India
Room – Webinar
30 April 2021
12:00 h
Seminar Daniel Oto Peralías (Universidad Pablo de Olavide) – Webinar
Title – Delegation of Governmental Authority in Historical Perspective: Lordships, State Capacity and Development
Room – Webinar
9 April 2021
12:00 h
Seminar Paula Sánchez-Gil (Universität Luzern) – Webinar
Title – Welfare Consequences of Fiscal Consolidation Plans: The Role of Publicly Provided Goods
Room – Webinar
19 March 2021
12:00 h
Seminar Paqui García Pardo (Universidad de Málaga) – Webinar
Title – Measuring the 'leaving no one behind' principle in the European countries: An AROPE-based fuzzy logic approach
Room – Webinar
12 March 2021
12:00 h
Seminar Pietro Salmaso (University of Padova) – Webinar
Title – Stable Sharing
Room – Webinar

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