Tel: (+34) 952131246 / (+34) 951952708e-mail: amorales
Office: 3409 (Facultad de CC. Económicas y Empresariales) y 3-1-54 (Facultad de Comercio y Gestión)
Personal site
Antonio J. Morales Siles
PhD in Economics, University College London
Full Professor
Research interests:
- Behavioral Economics
- Experimental Economics
- Game Theory
Selected publications:
- Consistent Depth of Reasoning in Level-k Models (with D. J. Cooper, E. Fatas and S. Qi), American Economic Journal: Microeconomics (2024), Vol. 16(4), 40–76
- Peer punishment of acts of omission versus acts of commission in give and take social dilemmas (with A. Ramalingam and J.M. Walker), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2019), Vol. 164, 133-147
- Controlling for initial endowment and experience in binary choice tasks (with E. Fatás and F. Jiménez), Journal of Risk and Uncertainty (2011), Vol 43, 227-243
- Expedient and monotone learning rules (with T. Börgers and R. Sarin), Econometrica (2004), Vol 72, 383-405
- Economic Analysis I. Undergraduate