Tel: (+34) 952134145e-mail: rosgomez
Despacho: 3407-A (Facultad de CC. Económicas y Empresariales)
Curriculum Vitae
Rosario Gómez García
Doctora en Economía, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Profesora Titular de Universidad
Líneas de investigación:
- Economía Experimental
- Organización Industrial
- Economía Pública
Publicaciones seleccionadas:
- Gomez, R., Goeree, J.K. and Holt, C.A. (2008): “Predatory pricing: rare like an unicorn?”, Handbook of Experimental Economic Results vol. 1, 177-184, Handbook in Economics, North-Holland, Elsevier Science
- Bru, L., Cabrera, S., Capra, C.M. and Gomez, R. (2003): A common pool resource game with sequential decisions and experimental evidence, Experimental Economics 6, 91-114
- Capra, C.M., Goeree, J.K., Gomez, R. and Holt, C.A. (2002): Learning and noisy equilibrium behavior in a experimental study of imperfect price competition, International Economic Review 43 (3), 613-636
- Capra, C.M., Goeree, J.K., Gomez, R. and Holt, C.A. (2000): Predation, asymmetric information and strategic behavior in the classroom: an experimental approach to the teaching of industrial organization, International Journal of Industrial Organization 18 (1), 205-225
- Capra, C.M., Goeree, J.K., Gomez, R. and Holt, C.A. (1999): Anomalous behavior in a traveler’s dilemma?, American Economic Review 89 (3), 678-690
- Cabrera, S., Gomez, R. and Ruíz, G. (1997): Potential gains from cooperation for vessels and countries, Marine Resource Economics 12 (2), 146-158