Tel: (+34) 952131298e-mail: juan.gonzalez
Despacho: 3305-B (Facultad de CC. Económicas y Empresariales)
Curriculum Vitae Web personal
Juan González Alegre
Doctor en Economía, European University Institute
Profesor Titular de Universidad
Líneas de investigación:
- Política Fiscal
- Economía Regional
- Inversión Pública
Publicaciones seleccionadas:
- Macroeconomic Determinants of Air Travel Demand in Spain, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 2020, Vol. 54, 40–57
- Active labour market policies and the efficiency of the European Social Fund in Spanish regions, Regional Studies, 2018, Vol. 52, 430-443
- Does fiscal decentralization affect the effectiveness of intergovernmental grants? European regional policy and Spanish autonomous regions, Papers in Regional Science , 2015, Vol. 94, 817-847
- An evaluation of EU regional policy. Do structural actions crowd out public spending?, Public Choice, 2012, Vol. 151, 1-21
- Economic growth and budgetary components: a panel assessment for the EU (con A. Afonso), Empirical Economics, 2011, Vol. 41, 703-723