
Tel: (+34) 952152708
e-mail: aigonzalezfma
Despacho: B-201 (Edificio Usos Múltiples)

Ana Isabel González Fernández

Doctora en Economía, Universidad de Málaga
Profesora Sustituta

Líneas de investigación:

  • Desempeño
  • Gobierno corporativo
  • Sostenibilidad

Publicaciones seleccionadas:

  • González-Fernández, A.I., Rubio-Misas, M. y Ruiz, F, (2020). Goal programming to evaluate the profile of the most profitable insurers: an application to the Spanish insurance industry. International Transactions in Operational Research, 27(6), pp.2976-3006.
  • González-Fernández, A.I., Rubio-Misas, M. and Ruiz, F. (2023). Multi-objective reference point techniques to optimize profitability, growth, and risk in the non-life insurance industry: international analysis. International Transactions in Operational Research, 30, pp.2546-2570.



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